
Welcome Wasters!

This site is the online home for NUkED - "the game of Mutants, Magic and Mayhem in a world gone mad". If you are unfamiliar with NUkED is - check out the "What is NUKED?" section.  The COVID Preview Edition was available on RPG Now for a couple of years. The expanded, edited, and revised game (NUkED 1.2) will be released in time for GenCon 2024. I will be posting updates about all things NUkED to this blog so stay tuned! 

Back from GenCon

GenCon 2024 is in the books.  It was big and crowded - almost 80,000 people!!  I ran some NUKeD and made some new friends. Hopefully, I turned them on to the game :)

GenCon Plans

I leave for GenCon tomorrow (!) I will be running a NUkED demo a day. FREE tickets for a seat at one of these tables can be reserved via the links on the GenCon page accessed via the upload tab in the navigation bar up top!

GenCon Preview Available NOW!

I have uploaded a NUkED preview that can be downloaded for the low low price of FREE via the upload link on the page accessed via the upload tab in the navigation bar up top!

NUkED 1.2 - The Inevitable Mutaton

The release of the second edition of NUkED is coming very soon. As soon as I have links to the product page I will post them. This is the cover. I imagine it blood-spattered and glowing from radiation but that is messy, dangerous and expensive. 

Beyond this Point

This site was primarily used when the live stream was running. Older posts may be of interest but are probably irrelevant. Enjoy! Or don't! 


 I am participating in DICEMBER.  LETS DO THIS!!! NUKED DICEMBER DAY ONE: AMMO Nuked abstracts a lot of things including ammunition. The system doesn’t ask players to track standard ammo. If you have a weapon, it is assumed you have ammo to use it.  The alternative ammunition described in this section must be tracked.  Special ammo can be hard to find.  Some of this alternate ammo was previously published in the COVID Edition of the rules but has been updated to the NUkED 2.0 Upgrade (coming soon!)  A lot of these munitions are of course impossible but the wasted world of NUkED is a very odd place where realism can fuck right off.  BOWS AND CROSSBOWS For the most part, arrows and bolts are shafts with pointy things at one end and feathers on the other to help stabilize them in flight. These are better.  Binder (28v/use) Range x/4/x/x. On hit, instead of inflicting damage, releases a burst of sticky fluid that binds up a lesser opponent like a spi...